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The Preparatory Office of the PDPC Established

The Preparatory Office of the PDPC Established

Since the Constitutional Court’s judgment of 12 August 2022 (Ref. No. 111-Shien-Pan-13) required an independent supervision mechanism for personal data protection to be established within three years from the date of the judgment, on 16 May 2023, the Legislative Yuan passed the amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”). The newly added Article 1-1 of the PDPA designates the Personal Data Protection Commission (“PDPC”) as the competent authority of the PDPA to integrate those enforcement powers and responsibilities spread among local government authorities, central competent authorities in charge of the relevant industries, and the National Development Council.

After half a year of preparation, the Preparatory Office of the PDPC was established on 5 December 2023. In addition to completing the enactment of the organic statute and officially establishing the PDPC by August 2025, the Preparatory Office’s tasks include initiating the Phase 2 amendments of the PDPA. According to the Director of the Preparatory Office, the amended PDPA will establish a monitoring mechanism for government agencies’ processing of personal data in the future. Meanwhile, a comprehensive review of the PDPA will be conducted, including the statutory bases for collecting personal data (such as establishing a mechanism for data subjects to grant their consent), data subject rights while using IT systems, and so on.
